Danielle Robertson's ePortfolio

Animal Presentations

Posted by in Practicum, Science, Social Studies

Starting from the beginning of May through to the end of my practicum I had the students engage in a note-taking unit.  This unit was combined with a take-home assignment that they were to complete with their parents.  The unit was to provide an easy transition from our habitat unit into our Canada unit.  The students were to research Canadian animals, focusing on the habitat, the diet, the class of animal, where in Canada the animal lives, and unique characteristics about the animal. The students were given a web that…read more


Family Needs Unit: Clothing

Posted by in Practicum, Social Studies

During our Thursday visits I helped my SA organize a clothing day in their Family Needs Unit.  The students had discussed that we need water, food, and shelter prior to my day with them. We started the day by reading a picture book about clothing and discussing why we need clothing.  We discussed reasons such as to keep warm, to express your opinion, to demonstrate your culture, and for functionality.  The students were very quick to grasp these concepts and understand them. We then did a writing piece about their…read more


Coast Salish Longhouses – Part 2

Posted by in Art, Practicum, Social Studies

For the remainder of the week, my students built their own Coast Salish longhouses.  We used shoeboxes, tissue paper, wood, cedar, gravel, Popsicle sticks, paper, and burlap.  Below are pictures of them working and their final products. [A close-up of the dioramas] [A close-up of the dioramas] [A close-up of the inside of the longhouse] [A totem pole]  


Coast Salish Longhouses – Part 1

Posted by in Art, Practicum, Social Studies

During my two week practicum I led a unit about Coast Salish longhouses.  Our first lesson revolved around trying to make connections.  I did this by reading “A House is a House for Me” by Betty Fraser and then having the students go back to their desks and complete a sheet.  They had to trace the words “I live in a” and then write what they lived in.  Additionally, I got them to draw their homes.  This helped my students create a connection with their own houses and the traditional Coast…read more


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