Unit 3 Reflections Blog

The process of drafting the formal research report was an excellent opportunity to learn about formal research reports outside of an academic setting. Compared to the research reports that I drafted in my first undergraduate degree, the tone of this research proposal was more informal. Since this was a document targeted toward a specific individual, there was much less reliance on secondary research citations. Writing in this style was jarring for me at first, but as I kept writing, I could see how this would be useful in a workplace. I also learned a lot more about the process of creating a survey. The inclusion of an ethics statement along with learning how to navigate the UBC qualtrics survey website will be useful tools for me in the future. I also learned that a significant buffer needs to be considered when creating the timeline for a formal research report. I hope to use these skills in the future.


One aspect that I learned in the peer review process was how each individual chooses to represent data. It was interesting to see the contrast between Jenny’s selection of a bar graph, and my choice of a pie chart. To gain further insight into this process, research on the best practices for feasibility reports can improve the chances of success. Even though Jenny’s formal report draft was well-written, I think some sections would have benefitted from more elaboration. This made me realize that it is the writer’s responsibility to ensure that the information is presented in a way that minimizes as much ambiguity for the intended audience. As I read through my report, there are also many sections which could use additional edits to reduce ambiguity. I still have much to learn in terms of reviewing my peer’s work, and I hope that I can continue to practice for the final weeks of the semester.


Overall, this was an interesting unit and I think many of the comments I received from Jenny will help me prepare the final version of my report.


Enclosure – Dave-Borrel-Formal-Research-Paper-Draft-v2

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