Unit 3 Reflection

Email, Letter of Complaint, and Negative Adjustment Letter Assignment

I found that the first two assignments of unit 3 to be particularly notable. The Evan Crisp email was a tad jarring to read, but fixing it served to be good practice. I learned to be less formal in writing emails of a similar nature, but not to the same degree as the one in the exercise. The letter and complaint were very helpful in the way that they taught me how to write for a situation that has affected me.

The Formal Draft

The formal report draft is, by far the longest assignment that I have written during my time at UBC. Upon reflection, I could have done better with my formal draft in multiples ways. The survey for the assignment could have been further fleshed out so that I could gather more information for my report. I could have also gone into more detail while writing the draft. However, I think that I did the best that I could considering that I did not have much time to write the assignment due to a change in my work schedule. The report may also be thin on the ground on information because it is assumed that the reader will know what I am referring to. In addition to this, I decided to exclude information in an attempt not to give away Costco trade secrets away. I decided to take photos for my report instead of creating a diagram (like of the one for the relevant parts of the interior of the store) because they would display what I was trying to say in the report better.

Formal Draft Peer Review

Upon writing the peer review for Dale, I realized that the information that I collected during the survey would be better displayed in a bar graph. That and I should summarize more of the results I received from the survey. I also agree with much of the findings that were made by Dale during his peer review of my draft report. It is clear that I still have a lot to work on in my report.

301 Formal Report David Cheung

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