Image Source: http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/142239-apple-iphone-x-vs-samsung-galaxy-s8-pistols-at-dawn-for-the-ultimate-face-off
The battle between Samsung and Apple in the smartphone market never seem to end, after nearly a decade of fierce competition in the world of smartphones Apple and Samsung seem to be the two major players left. The two companies have pushed each other in terms of R&D and came up with impressive features to attract customers.

Image Source: https://www.iphonelife.com/content/evolution-iphone-every-model-2007-2016
This year marks the ten-year anniversary of the iPhone product line by Apple. Ever since the launch of the Apple iPhone the company has seen its market capitalization (AAPL) thirteen fold and net income twenty-three fold (Dunn, 2017). The launch of the original iPhone also signified the beginning of a new era where smartphones are incorporated into our everyday lives. Along with the iPhones came Siri, Touch ID, and now Face ID. Although the iPhone wasn’t always the first to introduce revolutionary features, it always managed to be the leader in high-end smartphone shipments.

Image Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-growth-since-iphone-launch-chart-2017-6
Samsung’s answers to the Apple iPhone was the Galaxy series. the Galaxy S series was introduced in 2010 and immediately became a contender with the iPhone 4. Throughout the years Samsung’s R&D department innovated and came out with game-changing features such as a virtually bezel-free display and iris scanners.
Today both of Apple and Samsung’s flagship devices sell at over a thousand dollars and have both secured itself as a leader in its respective ecosystem, iOS and Android. Both companies now among the biggest tech companies in the world with revenues in the hundreds of billions. But have you ever wondered what are the real costs associated with the production of the smartphones your buying with over a grand?
The Samsung Galaxy S8 released earlier this year costs $309 CAD to manufacture and is sold for $1035 CAD (Morris, 2017). This cost is not including the cost of shipping, marketing, operating and most importantly R&D. At the time of the release, it was the most costly phone to manufacture on the market but not anymore.

Image Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDjGnWO_fG4
With the much-hyped release of the iPhone X this fall, Apple beat numerous records. The new iPhone retailed at the price of $1319 CAD is indeed very expensive for the average consumer but wait until you hear the price it costs Apple to manufacture the phone alone (Jenkins, 2017). It is reported that it costs $470 CAD for Apple to manufacture the iPhone X due to the new designs (Jenkins, 2017). Some examples are the new screen which costs double and the new True Depth Camera for Face ID.

Image Source: https://www.androidpit.com/smartphone-camera-blind-test
So are the smartphones worth the hefty price? Is the profit margin for smartphones too high or too low? Are the new features worth an upgrade or just a gimmick?
While I personally believe the new iPhone is quite expensive, these questions will be left for the free market to decide.
Word Count: 447
Dunn, J. (2017, June 29). How far Apple’s business has rocketed since the iPhone first launched. Retrieved November 12, 2017, from http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-growth-since-iphone-launch-chart-2017-6
Jenkins, A. (2017, November 8). Apple iPhone X: Heres How Much the Parts Actually Cost | Money. Retrieved November 12, 2017, from http://time.com/money/5014941/iphone-x-cost-price/
Morris, I. (2017, April 21). Samsung Galaxy S8 is Monstrously Expensive to Produce. Retrieved November 12, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/ianmorris/2017/04/21/samsung-galaxy-s8-is-monstrously-expensive-to-produce/#42e7da64572a