Posted by: | 18th May, 2011

Applying the Frameworks: It’s all about the students

After reading both frameworks, I decided to focus on the Bates and Poole (2003) SECTIONS framework. Last term during ETEC 510, I found that using their framework was very useful for the design and implementation considerations of our group project. It provided us with questions that we could reflect upon to help guide our decisions about using certain technologies. A couple of elements I examined were the students and cost in regards to my idea to use Moodle as a learning management software to introduce e-learning modules to staff and physicians.

Students- What is known about the students or potential students and the appropriateness of the technology for this particular group or range of students?

In regards to what is known about the potential students is that they are a diverse group of people with varying age ranges in the health care sector (from their mid-twenties to their early sixties). There is a predominantly female workforce here with varying computer skills and comfort levels using technology. From my own experience, I’ve taught nursing staff who did not have a computer at home and were uncomfortable using the basic components of a computer such as the keyboard and mouse. On the other spectrum, I’ve worked with other staff members that are more adept with technology and utilize their handheld devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets, etc) to navigate the Internet, check their email, etc. I think that providing a platform such as Moodle for students to access instructional modules will have to take into consideration their different learning styles and comfort levels with technology. As such it will be imperative to continue to offer face-to-face group and individual instruction for those who are more comfortable learning in this environment. Additionally, I’ll need to talk to health region staff to find out what kinds of learning modules they would be interested in taking. Since library instruction tends to be stand alone modules I’ll have to consider perhaps providing different levels of courses from beginner, intermediate to advanced for some topics such as database searching. However, I think this technology will be appropriate for them as staff will be able to learn on their own time and at their own pace. The added convenience and flexibility of not having to travel to physically attend a training session in a classroom setting is one of the positive aspects of implementing e-learning.

Costs- What is the cost structure of each technology? What is the unit cost per learner?

Since Moodle is a free open-source software there is no cost in terms of its use. However, there will be a cost in terms of the time that library staff will need to allocate to create modules and learn how to use Moodle.

Chickering and Gamson’s “Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education” (1987) and Chickering and Eherman’s “Implementing the Seven Principles: Technologies as Lever” (1996)

Also, I wanted to mention briefly that I found Chickering and Gamson’s (1987) and Chickering and Eherman’s (1996) frameworks practical for self-reflection on my teaching practice and helpful to consider for implementing best practices in the classroom (whether traditional or virtual). There was one aspect in particular that struck a chord with me: #2. Good Practice Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation Among Students. As Chickering and Gamson state “learning is enhanced when it is more like a team effort than a solo race. Good learning like good work is collaborative and social not competitive and isolated. Working with others often increases involvement in learning. Sharing one’s ideas and responding to others improves thinking and deepens understanding.” Thus, during my instructional sessions, I often encourage students to work together on practice scenarios and to share their search strategies as part of their learning process. From my observations in the classroom setting, I have found that when students work in pairs or groups they work together more constructively, helping each other in different ways and contributing to the team dynamic. Consequently, I believe that their collaborative effort rather than an individual one definitely enriches their overall learning experience.

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