Posted by: | 16th Jul, 2011

Wimba Voice Email

I just tried out the Wimba Voice Email feature that we have access to from our ETEC 565 course site and found it relatively painless and easy to use. It reminded me of our first intro exercises where we each recorded a brief message about ourselves using Wimba. In any case, I had to edit my WebCT Vista profile and add my email as I was prompted by Wimba that my email address was required. Next, I tried to send to specific recipients but was unable to view this list using my IE 9 browser. So, I decided to switch my browser to Opera and was able to view the list and selected one of my classmates to send my voice email. After recording my message using my headset microphone (and also including a text message) I clicked on the send button and was prompted that my message had been sent! 🙂 Now, I’m just waiting for my classmate to try testing it out too by sending me a voice message back using Wimba Voice Email.

*Update: Success! I’m pleased to report that I received a voice reply from my colleague. We’ve sort of made history in a sense as this was the first time we’ve both used Wimba to send voice emails via an online class. Yay! 🙂


It’s a cool tool…but I think it could use some refining. The email that folks receive is formatted rather poorly.

I agree Wimba’s a cool tool to use. However, I find using Google Talk to send voice messages is much better than Wimba Voice. When you receive Google Talk voice messages the player is already embedded into the email so all you have to do to listen is click the play button. Wimba on the other hand requires two clicks- once on an external link then the play button to hear the message. One click vs. two clicks- I guess Google wins yet again!


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