Posted by: | 1st Aug, 2011

Raj’s ambitious website venture

1. What might be three (3) important questions Raj could ask himself when deciding which multimedia to include?

i) What is the scope of his project in relation to his technological competencies?
ii) What is the estimated timeframe in which he plans to implement his module/website?
iii) Has the multimedia he has been considering been evaluated using the Bates and Poole’s (2003) SECTIONS framework?

2. Do you think Raj can deliver this in a month? Explain your answer and either:

Depending on the scope and his overall vision for his project (the self-directed learning module) I think it is possible that Raj could deliver this in a month. Also, I think this deliverable timeframe is dependant on his previous skills and abilities developing websites. If Raj has a steep learning curve to overcome then it may take longer than a month. However, if he is a quick learner or already has previous experience then it will make it easier to meet this deadline. Raj may want to consider obtaining assistance from his colleagues who may have more experience developing online modules and working with websites. They could help scaffold his learning as he works to complete his project. He should also consider the time constraints that he faces as his workload (i.e. prep and marking obligations mean he will be working on this on his own time during evenings and weekends). Raj needs to set a realistic timeframe (with an added buffer time just in case of unexpected emergencies) to achieve his goal to develop a website in a month.

o Suggest how Raj approach developing his website?

For developing his website, he may want to draft an outline (site map) of what he is envisioning. Using the Bates and Poole’s (2003) sections framework, Raj should evaluate each multimedia software that he is considering using. Testing the functionality of his website components (i.e. ensuring links work, learning modules has no typos/errors, easy to navigate, etc) will be an important consideration for Raj. Time permitting, it would be in his best interest to pilot-test his website prior to fully implementing it (the “go-live” date) to ensure that there are no major bugs and that he gets a chance to correct any errors prior to its launch. He should also consult or work together with his school’s IT department to ensure that his site will not be blocked, and to obtain advice about any software downloads related to his project. The IT staff may be able to offset the costs associated with developing a website by offering software at a discounted rate or recommend the best software to use for his site. Also, Raj may need to get the proper administrative approvals prior to starting on his project.

o Offer an alternative to the website, one that will use some of Multimedia already collected.

An alternative to the website could be a WordPress blog that could be converted into a course site. YouTube videos can be embedded into this site, and other resources (images, links, text) can all be effectively utilized. Raj could also develop a video using a free Web 2.0 storytelling resource from the CogDogRoo site or consider filming a DVD which he can then share with his students and colleagues via YouTube.

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