Posted by: | 9th Jun, 2011

Reflection Activity: Gone Moodling :)

Initially, I was unable to work on the Moodle activities from the e-learning toolkit as I couldn’t view the “Turn on editing” button. I later found out that I had been enrolled as a student rather than a teacher. However, with that fixed I foraged onwards and upwards starting with the first activity of adding a “simple” welcome webpage. The experience of setting one up was pretty straightforward and was almost akin to following a cookbook recipe. I have to admit though I didn’t get too creative with the name of the course (using the example of “Canadian Literature in the 20th Century” to the letter). In contrast though, the subsequent activity of adding a discussion forum wasn’t as cookie-cutter in its approach as it asked to create a bulleted list of instructions for an Icebreaker activity. After adding some brief instructions asking students to provide an introduction about themselves, I ended up changing roles from teacher/creator to student as I had to reply to my own message. 🙂 Anyways, all in all it wasn’t a labour intensive process and everything seemed to work well. I’ve now got to get cracking into the “official” Moodle user manual which I briefly skimmed through as it appears to be a hefty read. I’m sure there’s more Moodling in store for me as I’ll have to start (and continue to) develop my Moodle online course site (right after the LMS proposal). 🙂


Glad to see you’re into Moodle and exploring.

Thanks John. I appreciate your help with sorting out the pesky access issue in Moodle. 🙂

Well who else was gonna? 😉


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