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Books vs. Movies

I know movies will never live up to the book itself, although I find myself want to see movies based on books. Does that make me a hypocrite? The reason you ask. I’m planning on see the Silver Lining Playbook with weekend. If you are look for a quick read this is it, the book also give you another way of looking at life without reliogous prespective.

4 Responses to Books vs. Movies

  1. agaleano

    Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club, was once asked what did he think about the movie that was based on his book and how he felt about it being so different from the book. He said something that stayed with me. He said that he actually prefers it when movies are different from the books they are based on because that way it enriches the universe of the story without replacing the book. You can enjoy both differently but equally. I thought it was a very interesting way to look at it. =)

  2. Taryn

    That’s a very positive spin….one that I will have to remember next time I sit in a theatre mentally yelling at the screen “THAT’S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED IN THE BOOK!” ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. dcostel

    It’s the way Pat from the book and movie would see life, no point in seeing the negative. If you have not read the book I would highly recommend it, it’s a quick read. I read cover to cover in less than a day.

    Fear not the entire time I too was mentally yelling โ€œThat’s not how it happened in the book!โ€ or “The missed the meaning completely.” That is Hollywood for you!

  4. Taryn

    I haven’t read the book, but I think I’ll have to now, especially if it’s that quick a read!

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