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Twitter vs. Blogging

I have decided I am not cut out for Twitter; I am far too wordy and rarely like what is limited to 140 characters. I will keep my Twitter account for the time being but have elected blogging is more to my liking and where I will not focus the majority of my energy.

On a slightly related note I have chosen to continue my blog after this class concludes if you choose so, will be able to find me at: or runninglibrarianblog. I learned today how to import all of my posts so there will be no downtime between the two blogs. Prior to this class I had no real reason to blog and I have found myself enjoying it, far more than originally anticipated.

1 Response to Twitter vs. Blogging

  1. Susan

    I also am first and foremost a blogger, but I’m seeing that Twitter can lead me to some good news and information sources.

    The beauty of SM is that we can choose to use it as we like. I was coerced into Facebook, but now see its purpose.

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