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Archive for February, 2013

Twitter vs. Blogging

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

I have decided I am not cut out for Twitter; I am far too wordy and rarely like what is limited to 140 characters. I will keep my Twitter account for the time being but have elected blogging is more to my liking and where I will not focus the majority of my energy. On […]

Corporate Leaks and Social Media

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

“The leaked memo helped me comprehend the enormous sea change occurring in how information was flowing as well as what was being communicated. Technology was redefining the nature of relationships and how people spend their time.” (Schultz, 31- 32) The advent of the Internet and later social media has dramatically changed how people interact with […]

Social Media and Natural Disasters

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Natural disasters are nothing new, but social media and smartphones have made it possible for people to contact loved ones to ensure they are safe after a disaster. In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan in 2011, and more recently following h=Hurricane Sandy in the USA this past fall, people […]

Books vs Movies Part 2

Monday, February 18th, 2013

After the snow storm I was finally able to see Silver Lining Playbook last week. I truly enjoyed the movie, but yet again Hollywood has butchered another book. The better half of the movie did not follow the book; although this does allow the reader to create an image in their head about what a scene or […]

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