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Archive for March, 2013

My other blog…

Friday, March 29th, 2013

As the semester is coming to an end so will my blog here on UBC Blogs. I will maintain my blog here: RunningLibrarianBlog I was unable to add my polls to my blog here so, if you want to vote then please follow the link above. My other blog has links to videos of […]

Using social media as an extention to the classroom

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

[polldaddy poll=7000438] What is The app as a “knowledge” forum; I have the as a Facebook app but it does not have any library science classes or forums available at this time, it is geared more towards mathematics, engineering and sciences. Can Facebook and its app be used to help students study […]

Senior Citizens “Forced” into Social Media

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

[youtube=] This post was originally going to be about social media and rural libraries in America, but it ultimately morphed into social media and senior citizens who use the libraries I currently work. Yes, I work in a rural library, which is also in an area well known as a good place for rural retirement. […]

National Recording Registry With a Twist

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Press Release from Library of Congress As of today there are twenty-five additional sound recordings being inducted into the National Recording Registry, the recording are “marked for preservation because of their cultural, artistic and historic importance to the nation’s aural legacy.” A recording can be considered for induction ten years after its release, so in […]

E-Textbook vs Old School Textbook Part 2

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

I broke down and bought ahold school textbook for my library class and couldn’t be happier! As I alluded in my pervious post articles are fine to reason a computer or iPad. But if I’m required to reference the source for more than just a quote a textbook is more to my liking. Looks like […]

E-Textbook vs Old School Textbook

Friday, March 1st, 2013

This semester has been full of many first for me in my academic career. I have actually started using both Twitter and maintaining a blog and kept up with both of them, even though I have made only a hand full of posts; it is a huge step from the other times I created account […]

E-Textbook vs Old School Textbook

Friday, March 1st, 2013

This semester has been full of many first for me in my academic career. I have actually started using both Twitter and maintaining a blog and kept up with both of them, even though I have made only a hand full of posts; it is a huge step from the other times I created account […]

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