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E-Textbook vs Old School Textbook

This semester has been full of many first for me in my academic career. I have actually started using both Twitter and maintaining a blog and kept up with both of them, even though I have made only a hand full of posts; it is a huge step from the other times I created account and promptly forgot about or become bored even before my first post. For the first time ever I got my textbook as e-texbook, let’s just say it is extremely unlike this will occur again in the near future. Yes, the e-textbook is rather convenient in the idea of having it available at your fingertip on my iPad, but the app it runs on is less then user friendly. Said app will remain nameless but it is not user friendly at all! Simply put if you want to turn the page the user must go back to the table of contents in order to do so, which does not allow for smooth reading. Reading for enjoyment on a Kindle is one thing for classwork is a completely different story. Or maybe it is generational thinking book means classwork. Frankly I find I spend enough time at the computer or with iPad in hand completing classwork and keeping up with email, I want a break from the computer. Personally I find reading from a book easier if it the type of class which requires that I must constantly reference said book.

1 Response to E-Textbook vs Old School Textbook

  1. agaleano

    I really prefer reading books to ebooks too. I find that ebooks require too many extra steps: you have to remember to charge the ereader (my Kobo takes three hours to do so. It’s been dead for three months now), you have to turn in on, find the book and wait for it to upload, and every time that you turn the page there is that little pause while one page disappears and the next one appears that just gets on my nerves. I like my books ready to go and mildly water/coffee/tea resistant.

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