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My other blog…

As the semester is coming to an end so will my blog here on UBC Blogs. I will maintain my blog here:


I was unable to add my polls to my blog here so, if you want to vote then please follow the link above. My other blog has links to videos of social media in the news; one story is about the Pope and the online betting which occurred before he was selected and the other was Tiger Woods announcing he is dating again via Facebook. The title of my blog points to the fact I am also a runner, I was able to create a race day countdown and a link to my upcoming race information. After much trial and error it looks as though I have been defeated by technology once again.

It has been great learning to maintain a blog; I no longer see it as an online journal which no one will read. Right now I have a few followers and hope to gain more over time but as with everything only time will tell. I have had many learning experiences while taking this class, one in particular which fall on me and me alone; now I must learn from said experience.

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