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Archive for the 'Other Thoughts' Category

My other blog…

Friday, March 29th, 2013

As the semester is coming to an end so will my blog here on UBC Blogs. I will maintain my blog here: RunningLibrarianBlog I was unable to add my polls to my blog here so, if you want to vote then please follow the link above. My other blog has links to videos of […]

Using social media as an extention to the classroom

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

[polldaddy poll=7000438] What is The app as a “knowledge” forum; I have the as a Facebook app but it does not have any library science classes or forums available at this time, it is geared more towards mathematics, engineering and sciences. Can Facebook and its app be used to help students study […]

Twitter vs. Blogging

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

I have decided I am not cut out for Twitter; I am far too wordy and rarely like what is limited to 140 characters. I will keep my Twitter account for the time being but have elected blogging is more to my liking and where I will not focus the majority of my energy. On […]

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