Relfection d-studio

The Jump Start Readings by Pink, Martin, and Lockwood emphasis on the importance of design in our thinking process. As a finance student I hardly get chances to think creatively, most of the time what we do is dealing with numbers, past data, and formula. I realized that I no longer get to be creative in any of my core classes; however, I didn’t want to lose my ability of being artistic, creative, and original. And this is the main reason why I chose to take design strategies for business innovation; to develop the right side of my brain.

In Martin’s book he talks about analytical thinking and intuitive thinking and that in order for businesses to grow we need design thinking. I agree with his idea because with only analytical thinking new things cannot be created and with only intuitive thinking it is too dangerous and risky for most businesses. His book reminds me of a course I took in high school called “Theory of Knowledge” in which we learned about thinking from different prospective for example knowing and thinking about the same issue using different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, sciences, arts, and history, combining reasoning, evidence and creativity. After taking this course I started to understand why it is so important to think outside of the box and to be a critical thinker. Similar to what Martin was addressing, in the future, thinkers need to be both analytical and intuitive or that we need to find a way for these two types of thinkers to work together to make businesses more successful.

All three authors make a similar point convincing readers that design and creative thinking matter in the business world and that analytical ways of thinking alone is not enough to add value to businesses. Evaluating my thinking process, I think that I use both analytical and intuitive thinking depending on the problems that I’m solving. For instance, when I’m doing a financial problem I barely need to touch on my creativity, all I need to do is to plug in numbers and I get a result or answer. In contrast, other times when I’m brainstorming for ideas I might not use analytical thinking at all. I have to admit at times I will let empathy come into my thinking process and let emotions and intuition take over my logic. Sometimes intuition will bring me a conclusion right away whereas when I think about it sometimes I get stuck in my own thinking process, the more I think about it the more confused I become. When this happens I often have to talk to my friends and families to help me out.

I don’t think I have a set thinking process that I use every time. It is interesting how I think everyone knows that we need to find a balance in between analytical and creative thinking but not everyone can achieve doing so. I think that most people use a mixture of these different types of thinking but some people are more towards the extremes of the scale and some towards the middle.

Reference to Phil’s blog
Phil approaches this assignment different than I did. He thinks his thinking process starts from encountering a problem and his experience will help him solve this problem. For example when his computer shuts down on its own he will fix it by doing what experiences have taught him. I think for myself, thinking process starts whenever, sometimes when I’m bored I will think about random things such as “if a situation like this happened, what would I do?” or just to think about what would happen in the near future of my life. Like me, he also seeks for help from friends when he can’t come to a conclusion using his own thinking process.

Reference to Michelle’s blog
I think Michelle knows her own thinking process pretty well. She thinks that she usually think more analytically than intuitively because it has a more predictive result. This surprises me a little because I always thought marketing students think of themselves as a more creative thinker than an analytical thinker. She also uses symphony a lot in her thinking process and I think this is the more creative side of her where she can relate two seemingly unrelated things.

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