
Welcome to my English 301 Web Folio, a compilation of my professional and technical writing skills developed through the unique online course, English 301 99C. Here you will find a collection of my written work and an application package for a potential co-op job position, demonstrating my practical application of these skills as an aspiring software developer.

English 301 99C focuses on teaching writing techniques, protocols, and ethics, with a particular emphasis on the impact of changing technologies and globalized communication. The course fosters inclusivity and collaboration, bringing together students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Peer review and self-editing practices have further enhanced our writing skills and produced work reflective of our collective efforts.

Feel free to navigate my Web Folio as you wish, but I have suggested a presentation order for your convenience. Thank you for taking the time to explore my work.

  1. Biography: An overview of my academic journey, personal interests, and aspirations.
  2. Best Work: A compilation of technical writing assignments that I completed during my enrollment in ENGL 301.
  3. Application Package: A PDF file of my application submitted for a co-op position at Numerix Canada LLC.
  4. Resume: An online, searchable version of my resume.
  5. Blog: A series of reflective posts that document my experiences throughout ENGL 301.

Thank you for your time in reviewing my Web Folio. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach me at dedralin@student.ubc.ca at your convenience.