Writing Team Application Letter

To my English 301 peers,

I am writing to express my interest in forming a professional writing group within our technical writing course. I am currently a 3rd year student in the BCS program, it is the second-degree in the Bachelor of Computer Science and previously graduated with degree in Architecture. With my previous experience in school and work, volunteer activities, and achievements, I would provide positive value for the group to improve our writing skills and support one another for our professional development.

My main interests are in Architecture and Computer Science as a student who has exposure within the two disciplines, both of which has an importance on various forms of writing and communication. In addition, leaning on my previous experiences upon finishing my Architecture degree, I have written research papers and summarized architectural studies. Before enrolling to UBC, I worked for a year as an Architectural Technologist for a construction company and submitted written reports for stages of the projects being built, while also managing weekly meetings where I communicated the tasks needed with various workers for the project.

In terms of my strengths, these include being concise, having the ability to connect with the audience it was intended for, able to work well under hard deadlines, and being collaborative with other team members. I earned commendations from my mentors and peers about how engaging my research papers, reports, and contributions were. The weaknesses I would like to work on are overthinking what I want to write when starting in a blank slate and improving the formal structure and flow of my writing. I believe that this opportunity to be in a writing group would help us maximize our strengths and improve on our weaknesses, which I am very excited about, as we will be able to learn from one another and provide constructive feedback.

My learning philosophy is that working with others helps people learn better, since it helps us learn with one another, while also being able to  build on each other’s ideas. I believe that by working together, we can improve our skills and become better in writing and our professional development.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope that you will support the formation of a professional writing group within the course. If you have any questions, feel free to reach me out at dedralin@student.ubc.ca. A copy of the application letter is also provided here.



Delsther James Edralin

English 301 Student

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