
Hello there,

My name is Delsther James Edralin, and I am currently in my 3rd year as a student of the BCS program (or Bachelors of Computer Science), which is a second-degree program for people who already have a previous degree or specialization. I was born in the Philippines where I studied Architecture in my previous degree and graduated in 2020, then worked for a year as a junior architect during the pandemic before moving to Vancouver.

I initially planned on becoming an architect in my country, but as I got closer to finishing the program, I got exposed to different cultures and industries, as we needed to learn more about different possible clients or stakeholders. This made me try different courses such as Multimedia Arts, Geography, and Computer Science, where I realized I enjoyed learning how to solve problems technically while also being able to materialize different ideas and concepts.

Currently I am interested in working/specializing in Computer Graphics and Cybersecurity other than Software Engineering. For these interests, I hope at least one of these professions will be reachable once I complete the BCS program in UBC.

Thank you for sticking around,
