Email Message

To: Justin Tang, English 301 Student <>
From: Delsther James Edralin, English 301 Student <>
Date: January 29, 2023
Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear Justin,

I have heard from Aman’s invitation letter that he reached out to you earlier about forming a writing group. As such, I would like to introduce myself and propose creating an English 301 writing team with Aman. I believe that our varied experiences will help us establish a strong writing team.

Based on your application letter, I am impressed with your development of technical writing skills from your previous background at UofT and the University of Hong Kong, as well as how you have built up your professional communication through extracurricular activities such as work, clubs, intramurals, and research positions. I also noticed that our learning philosophies align as we are open-minded through various perspectives.

I would like to learn from your experiences to gain a new perspective by forming a writing group with you. Please take the time to read my application letter attached below. If you are interested, please let me know before February 1st, 2023. Thank you.

Best regards,

Delsther James Edralin

301 Delsther James Edralin Application Letter

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