Best Work

This is a collection of my writing work completed during the ENGL 301 course. Each composition is accompanied by evaluations of the objective and achievement of the task.

Definition Assignment

For our first writing assignment, we were tasked with selecting a technical term from our backgrounds and providing its parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions to ensure that the non-technical audience comprehends its meaning. My chosen term was “Brutalism,” and following the peer review, I reworked my expanded definitions to enhance the delivery of information to the non-technical audience. This involved the removal of complex terms, resulting in a more polished and readable work.

Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review Definition

In our first peer review, I was partnered with my team member Aman Johal, who wrote about the term “Bioequivalent Medication” to evaluate each other’s definitions for its appropriateness. Through the review process, I gained valuable insights into how we could enhance our definitions for a non-technical audience by simplifying or elucidating complex terms.

Peer Review Definition

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

To fulfill the requirements for our formal report, we needed to write a proposal that involved an effort-intensive process of selecting a problem we have experienced and proposing a solution or recommendation for it. I chose to write about revising UBC Library procedures because I have often felt stressed and distracted by the current environment and practices in these spaces.

For the progress report task, I needed to develop a plan and structure for the research methods for the formal proposal. To accomplish this, I created a survey for UBC students and identified relevant secondary literature topics that I will need for my research. This task helped me to consider the scope and target audience of my report when designing the data collection methods.

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

Proposal Memorandum

This assignment was made to submit an overview of our formal report proposal to gain approval from our Professor. My formal report required organizing the elements of the report and summarizing distinct areas of my formal report proposal into a short memorandum.

Memorandum for Formal Report

LinkedIn Best Practices Memorandum

This assignment made us construct a guide on how to establish a strong professional network on an essential resource: LinkedIn. While this guide was to assist my peers, I also learned how to create a profile that can produce an accurate representation of an individual’s skills and achievements and maintain consistency to stay relevant in the job market.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memorandum

Memorandum to Evan Crisp

Through completing this assignment, I gained a greater appreciation for the importance of adopting a “YOU attitude” when I was requested assistance by a fictional person: Evan Crisp. I anticipate that the experience from this assignment will aid me in crafting more considerate and persuasive emails requesting assistance.

Memorandum to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of Formal Report

This peer review was to provide feedback on Justin Tang’s work, another writing team member. This allowed me to learn about his work, check if all the required sections are in place, and provide proper recommendations for his work as we proceed forward to completing the formal report. After reviewing each other’s work, we revised our own reports based on the suggestions we gave.

Peer Review of Formal Report

In summary, the insights gained through my studies in ENGL 301 have significantly impacted my ability to communicate effectively in technical writing. By realizing the power of concise language and proper formatting, I can now better express my ideas and convey complex information to others. These newfound skills will undoubtedly enhance my capacity to collaborate with colleagues and advance my career trajectory.