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Aug 4 / adejesus


So, I’ve lately become interested in trying my hand at podcasting. I’ve downloaded the open source audio software, Audacity and recorded my first podcast! Now, this is a combination of module 4 activities because in Dean’s slides he mentions that doing an outline is one personal activity. I actually did an outline for our group but decided, instead of posting the text, to create a podcast of the outline.

You can listen here!

LIBR559 Final Group Project Outline

Now, we just need to get some server space…


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  1. erol / Aug 5 2011

    Hi Abraham,

    I admire you for taking a different approach to presenting your outline. However, I did miss the visual element. Particularly with an outline, I think that the structure is important. I felt the need to rewind and connect what I had just heard with what you had said near the introduction. I think a proposal or a ‘pitch’ is better suited for a podcast. Perhaps a SlideShare or a VoiceThread would be more appropriate for an outline. Adedoyin has a created an excellent VoiceThread on his Blog.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to criticize. Your experiment is exactly what this course calls for. I’m glad you chose this approach because I have certainly learned something from it.

    • adejesus / Aug 6 2011

      Don’t be shy about the word ‘criticize’! I never mind constructive criticism. It probably would have helped if I had written something more suitable to the spoken word format. Or at least included the transcript. I’ll keep this in mind if I decide to keep doing podcasts.

      I suppose, since I’m not a very visual person, it didn’t occur to me to include something for those who are! A good lesson is accessibility.

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