These days, more and more people seem to be relying on credit cards, some people even have more than three different bank’s cards.In particular, many young people have a fashion as credit cards. The majority of the young people have more than two different credit cards but only half of them have job,according to research showing many are in denial about them splashes their money.Most of the people is not only convenience but also with a credit card in order to borrow “Easy” money .Because even you do not have enough money in your account you also can take out a certain limit of money.This is important because many will borrow on a credit card in an emergency.
But we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch .When you take money out using your credit card ,they rack up interest immediately and in most cases at a higher interest rate as well .With the appearance cards, more and more people got into debt.So,one of the world’s richest man, Buffett warned”Stay away from credit cards”.
However, the real question remains:Is credit cards really that bad ? I do not aggree. For me , I really like using credit card it’s much easier than debt card. I can use in everywhere even in different countries also I can do online shopping as well.Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history ,but they must be used responsibly,which means paying off your debt in time.
Of course the biggest beneficiary is bank.The credit card service is the main business and major source of profit in many international banks,credit card brings the abundant customer resources.In addition,it is more beneficial than others.For these reasons,it has been the core product of most of the retail business.
Obviously,credit card has brought manifold impact to our life no matter its good or bad, I think if you want to use credit card to make your life more wonderful premise condition is not debt !
I am really agree with you point of ” Credit cards history could be the good record of personal credit”. Personal record is a kind of official records of people’s money flow , which will track with the cardholder for whole lifetime.To some extent , it will successfully alarm people about how to make good use or even arrange for their money. It can also rise the awareness of their own responsibility. You did a good job in this blog! hold on !