Alternative Syllabi

Alternative syllabi are lists of course readings that offer challenging perspectives to the dominant, mainstream curriculum. Often alternative syllabi have been created in response to a public event, and sometimes are collaborative collections of resources and readings that are added to over time. Sometimes there are more than one alternative syllabus for a given topic. Here are a few. This is by no means a comprehensive list. Please see the contact details on the About page to suggest other alternative syllabi for this list.

Trump Syllabus 2.0

Introduction to Trump Syllabus 2.0

Standing Rock Syllabus (#StandingRockSyllabus)

Introduction to the Standing Rock Syllabus

Black Lives Matter Syllabus

Ferguson Syllabus (#FergusonSyllabus)

Cassily, S., & Clarke-Vivier, S. (2016). A pedagogy of possibility: Reading Roger Simon in the wake of Ferguson, Missouri. Curriculum Inquiry46(1), 8-26.

Charleston Syllabus (#CharlestonSyllabus)

Williams, C., Williams, K., & Blain, K. (Eds.). (2016). Charleston syllabus: Readings on race, racism, and racial violence. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.