Marketing techniques to raise sales as highlighted in Anand Kansal’s blog

Robert Cialdini’s, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” has changed the methods of online marketing. For those of you who have not read this book; it talks about the psychology of why people say yes and about the principles of persuasion. Businesses have now begun to incorporate these principles within their marketing approach in an effort to raise sales.

Anand Kansal’s blog focusses on how Cialdini’s principles and A/B testing methods help improve the sales of a company, in an attempt to raise revenue.

Today, I will talk about the top four principles highlighted in Anand Kansal’s blog which in my opinion can help catapult company sales.

The first principle highlighted by Cialdini is Reciprocity. This method focusses on the value of giving back to the customer. For example by giving away free samples, the customer feels his contribution to the company has been acknowledged and thereby increases customer loyalty.

The second principle is Social Proof. It is human nature for people to follow what others do. Businesses take advantage of this behaviour by showing the customer on their websites what other people are buying, or what’s “cool”. By creating this sort of bandwagon effect people follow others and go ahead and buy the product; raising sales.

The third principle is Scarcity. Salesman are sure to say at the end of their pitch that the discounts will last only for a “limited period of time”. By creating this sense of urgency within the customer they are instigated to take action quicker because it is human nature to consume something if its limited, even if they don’t have much need for it.

The fourth principle is Liking. Customers are more likely to buy your product if they can relate to the person selling it. Its for this reason a makeup brand would most probably ask a top female celebrity to endorse for them as opposed to say a sportsperson. The point is create a persona around your product that people will like and connect to.

The above four of Cialdini’s principles I think are great ways for  businesses to shift public opinion in favour of their product, and work towards raising their sales and company revenues.

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