Ethics Blog 1

Business ethics is a concept that is constantly debated and remains a global issue within companies all over the world. A business’s responsibility goes far beyond meeting government regulations, “ethics transcend legal requirements and contractual obligations”. It is of great importance and vitality for businesses to care about the environment, and society as a whole; to keep in mind that their actions truly impact their surroundings, this is referred to as having a “social conscience”. On July 2014, German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd changed its regulations regarding the sales of old vessels. They said that they “would no longer sell phased-out cargo vessels on global markets” due to the fact that they were concerned with the working conditions of the labourers. This is an example of a company taking steps and measures to ensure the well being of workers in foreign countries. Hapag-Lloyd took full responsibility and action which is what all companies around the globe should be committed to doing.

Graupner, Hardy. “Hapag-Lloyd Alters Scrapping Policy, Citing Ethics | Business | DW.DE | 11.08.2014.” DW.DE. N.p., 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. <>.

Micallef, Tony. “Radical, Reliable Road Maps.” Times of Malta. N.p., 06 Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. <>.