


Vista: What is it and Why do I Care?

If you aren’t teaching an online course, and don’t plan to in the future, you probably don’t care. If you are, or plan to, this post is for you.

Vista is the new learning management system that UBC is moving to over the next year.

Some of you may be teaching on Vista already, more of you will be in May and many more in September as your courses are “migrated” to the new system”. Your course developer will contact you to let you know when your course is due to migrate.

There are resources to help you with some of the new (redesigned) features in Vista. It will look very different from the current version of WebCT.

The Office of Learning Technology is working with others on campus to ensure that training opportunities are available throughout the year. If you have a course moving over to Vista for May, you may want to take advantage of some of the great sessions offered during Reading Week (Feb.19th-23rd) as part of the E-Learning Institute.. This includes a Monday morning session comparing the features of Vista and version 4.1 and a mid week Vista Quick Start..

Can’t make those sessions?

Not to worry, OLT will be hosting “hands on” Q&A drop in sessions every Wednesday from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. in the small conference room at the ITServices Telestudios, #0115, Lower Level, 2329 West Mall. No need to register, just show up with your questions.

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