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After reading the articles and watching videos about these social entrepreneurs, I’ve already gained a huge amount of respect for these people. While others are going out and starting their own businesses for the sake of making lots of money for themselves, these social businessmen see poverty, hunger, and war as an opportunity to aid those who are suffering. Of course, these entrepreneurs go much more in depth and look at other issues such as education, children’s health, housing, clean water, etc.


Now raises the question: Why would we need these social enterprises or arc initiatives (a movement that facilitates a 2-way exchange of business knowledge and skills) if the United Nations were fully loaded? For one, I believe that even with so much power, money, and resources, there must be a way where we can manage all these assets and reach out to those who are suffering the most and become more efficient and effective with what we can provide them. We need Social Entrepreneurs to come up with innovative ideas to aid the people who are suffering in third world countries and others who are also facing a miserable lifestyle. In the case of the arc initiative, it helps to spread and facilitate the creative ideas brought up by the social entrepreneurs by exchanging and sharing one’s motive and goal to one another. By spreading the word to others, it will help to contribute to the workforce in helping the people getting the treatment that they need.

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I really like this blog post because it’s really been different from all the other content I’ve been reading and writing up about. For one, this is a topic that goes more into depth about how this author of the blog defines an engaging business leader. Reading through these points, I’ve come to agree with a lot about what the author suggested in terms of the qualities of an engaging leader such as being proactive and passionate about the goal that they want to accomplish.

3-leader  Mark-Zuckerberg1

I would like to add some other things that I believe would make not only an engaging leader, but one that meets all the characteristics of being a great leader. I believe great business leaders have a clear vision. It is this vision that defines the purpose of the business and serves as the beacon for the team. The ability to effectively communicate this vision with passion is critical to inspiring and motivating the team. A great leader must also clarify his or her values and uphold the integrity of what the company stands for, building such a character that the team can look up to and trust to lead them. A great leader also displays humility and overcomes his or her pride and accepts responsibilities on behalf of the team. By recognising that the team members are the most valuable assets to the company, leaders will continue to aspire as they embrace the team’s wisdom and talent.

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I really enjoyed the article about these new jets designed by Mitsubishi. I definitely agree with Husan in his blog post that although this isn’t the most original idea executed, but it is innovative in the fact that it’s a sustainable aircraft of low cost. One thing that I would like to add to this article is the fact that the subject ties in well with the idea we learned in class about companies creating new ways in modifying their cost structures and value propositions. For one, this is the first aircraft designed and produced for over half a century. This creates a new service that the company can offer to people looking to travel overseas by plane as well as creating employment for others in terms of manufacturing the aircraft. On top of that, it affects the cost structures being that the plane upholds sustainability at a low production cost.

Reading through the same article read by Husan, I saw that in 2010, JAL had suffered from bankruptcy and had been making ways to recover from their broken state. I expect to see an improvement in JAL’s financial status as they purchase these planes, which are designed for domestic flights, and open up their domestic routes, which were once closed due to their complications.


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I remember writing a blog post about Apple’s new payment transactions that can be made on the Iphones. I really liked how they integrated this technology into their phones. As I read James Lau’s blog posting, I do agree with everything he said about how technology is always innovative and changing. Companies must keep up if they want to remain distinguished from the rest of their competitors. One thing I’d like to point out however is the fact that there’s been speculation that this new technology may not be as successful as Apple hopes it will be. For one thing, many companies are still hesitating or refusing to accept this form of payment due to legal issues or having to pay some extra fees, etc.


Obviously, this is not the first time we’ve seen companies trying to create an alternative source of payment. Despite the both positive and negative reviews about the new application, I think that Apple will soon be able to overcome their obstacles in the future with all the innovation they’ve put into their technology. I’m really looking forward to Apple’s next steps and I will be supporting them all the way. In regards to James Lau’s post, I really enjoyed reading your opinions and keep up the good work!




One company that often shows up on a businessman’s expense is the American franchise, Starbucks. Everyday, millions walk in and out of the shop ordering items from pumpkin spice lattes to caramel macchiato to cinnamon buns and cookies. No matter the location, Starbucks has thrived domestically and globally.

Looking at this chain as a whole, Starbucks brings out the meaning of differentiation as opposed to other café franchises. I think one their biggest advantages they’ve had was allowing customers free wifi access to all locations. Because of this one benefit, Starbucks has been able to appeal to a wider range of customer segments including businessmen and especially college and high school students. On top of the wifi, Starbucks has achieved a high level of convenience for their customers on the go, allowing quick and efficient service and high customer satisfaction. What I think is an interesting take away from all of this is the fact that other fastfood chains have started to look up to Starbucks and started to follow similar trends in marketing their products.  This ties in greatly with what we’ve learned about how companies appeal to a wider range of customer segments.




Lenovo, a thriving Chinese software company known for their computers has been making preparations to bid on Blackberry’s shares for $15 a piece. Subsequently, it drove up Blackberry’s stock price up nearly 7%. Although Lenovo did have intentions of buying out Blackberry last year (failed due to Canada’s net benefit test), they’ve now come around again for another go.

Like many other’s opinions that were mentioned in the article, I do think that selling the company to a worldwide player like Lenovo would be a smart move on the CEO’s part. By handing over the shares to Lenovo, who has already made many successful sales in mobile and desktop devices such as Motorola and IBM, the company would start to sell more blackberry products than before. I think it would also boost up the Blackberry device’s reputation of being a reliable and innovative technology. I think this greatly ties into what we’ve learned in class about making recommendations for business and deciding what’s in the best interest for the company in the long run. Looking at this decision made here, I think this will have a great affect on the company in the long run.





Lately, Ebola’s been the main talk in the news. Although it may seem like an issue that affects the population from a medical standpoint, there are some business factors that come into play. The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital located in Dallas, Texas used to care for about 900 patients. However, after an incidence where a patient died from Ebola, the hospital now only has approximately 300 patients.

Before the crisis, this hospital had generated 17% of the $3.5 billion in annual revenue for the parent company, Texas Health Systems, according to Moody’s, a credit rating agency. Presbyterian has also been the second largest hospital among the other 25 facilities the chain owns. Now, the chain has taken a huge financial beating as patients continue to shun the facilities. I think this situation greatly ties in with one of our most recent topics about the financial market and how external factors such as Ebola can have a major impact on different businesses. Some of these businesses may not even be related to medical care. As of now, airline companies have started to take on a financial hit as people start to become more wary of the international spread of Ebola.




Dispute over land continues between the Tsilhqot’in people and Taseko Mines. As it turns out, this first nation tribe claimed 1750 square kilometers of land west of Williams Lake. However, they have now been able to expand into the Taseko Mine’s mining site even though the Fish Lake property is located outside the entitled area to the first nation tribe as declared by the court.

Assessing the current situation, it looks as if the Natives have the upper hand in this controversial dispute. Over the years, this tribe has gained support from laws regarding environmental preservation and support from the courts. In addition, both federal panels and governments have disproved the mine’s acquisitions due to potential threats of contaminating the lake and upper fish creek systems. The fact that these obstacles remain has now become a threat for the billion dollar mining company, which may result in a waste of time and money investing in the land. However, the company still has the opportunity to turn this situation around for their own benefit as well as for the native tribes. One suggestion would be to create a more sustainable working environment while providing employment for the native people. Many opportunities still remain.



Tsilhqot’in granted B.C. title claim in Supreme Court ruling




The IPhone 6 has no doubt been a success so far for Apple. However, the IPhone only scratches the surface in terms of other technological advances that Apple’s made. Apple Pay, the most recent innovation, is an application used to make credit/debit card payments online. Though this may seem convenient, many doubts still remain in regards to whether or not this new payment app can become a success.

Apple hasn’t been the only one trying to make it big in payments through mobile devices. Other companies such as Google and Samsung have done the same, but with very little success. I think it was a great decision on the company to commence with mobile phone transaction, especially since many other big competitors haven’t even developed apps just like it. Apart from all the other failures, I believe Apple has a chance to make mobile payments big now that many big names franchises and companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, etc. are starting to sign deals to accept this form of mobile payment. In addition, payment companies like Paypal all run within the Apple Pay operating system, which is supposed to be of great benefit to the company. This’ll add great stability to Apple’s application and hopefully in the long run, make it successful.



Blackberry’s new Smartphone, the Passport, is supposed to be the company’s rebound and upper hand against competitors from Apple and Google. The main reason why this phone may redeem the company is the fact that this phone will be priced at less than $600 off contract. This price advantage is supposed to appeal to corporate orders, Blackberry’s main consumer targets. This is the first new smartphone to be released by Blackberry since the new CEO, John Chen, started at the company.

Looking at this phone, it seems to me that this is Blackberry’s desperate attempt to redeem their status as a successful phone company. Although the design of the phone is unique, looking at the specs of the phone, it’s still comparable if not inferior to that of other products such as Apple’s IPhone 6 or Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Looking back at Blackberry, I think one of their big mistakes was to release a tablet, an product that didn’t meet the consumer’s standards in comparison to similar products from Apple, Samsung, and Google.




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