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One company that often shows up on a businessman’s expense is the American franchise, Starbucks. Everyday, millions walk in and out of the shop ordering items from pumpkin spice lattes to caramel macchiato to cinnamon buns and cookies. No matter the location, Starbucks has thrived domestically and globally.

Looking at this chain as a whole, Starbucks brings out the meaning of differentiation as opposed to other café franchises. I think one their biggest advantages they’ve had was allowing customers free wifi access to all locations. Because of this one benefit, Starbucks has been able to appeal to a wider range of customer segments including businessmen and especially college and high school students. On top of the wifi, Starbucks has achieved a high level of convenience for their customers on the go, allowing quick and efficient service and high customer satisfaction. What I think is an interesting take away from all of this is the fact that other fastfood chains have started to look up to Starbucks and started to follow similar trends in marketing their products.  This ties in greatly with what we’ve learned about how companies appeal to a wider range of customer segments.



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