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Monthly Archives: October 2014


Lately, Ebola’s been the main talk in the news. Although it may seem like an issue that affects the population from a medical standpoint, there are some business factors that come into play. The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital located in Dallas, Texas used to care for about 900 patients. However, after an incidence where a patient died from Ebola, the hospital now only has approximately 300 patients.

Before the crisis, this hospital had generated 17% of the $3.5 billion in annual revenue for the parent company, Texas Health Systems, according to Moody’s, a credit rating agency. Presbyterian has also been the second largest hospital among the other 25 facilities the chain owns. Now, the chain has taken a huge financial beating as patients continue to shun the facilities. I think this situation greatly ties in with one of our most recent topics about the financial market and how external factors such as Ebola can have a major impact on different businesses. Some of these businesses may not even be related to medical care. As of now, airline companies have started to take on a financial hit as people start to become more wary of the international spread of Ebola.




Dispute over land continues between the Tsilhqot’in people and Taseko Mines. As it turns out, this first nation tribe claimed 1750 square kilometers of land west of Williams Lake. However, they have now been able to expand into the Taseko Mine’s mining site even though the Fish Lake property is located outside the entitled area to the first nation tribe as declared by the court.

Assessing the current situation, it looks as if the Natives have the upper hand in this controversial dispute. Over the years, this tribe has gained support from laws regarding environmental preservation and support from the courts. In addition, both federal panels and governments have disproved the mine’s acquisitions due to potential threats of contaminating the lake and upper fish creek systems. The fact that these obstacles remain has now become a threat for the billion dollar mining company, which may result in a waste of time and money investing in the land. However, the company still has the opportunity to turn this situation around for their own benefit as well as for the native tribes. One suggestion would be to create a more sustainable working environment while providing employment for the native people. Many opportunities still remain.



Tsilhqot’in granted B.C. title claim in Supreme Court ruling




The IPhone 6 has no doubt been a success so far for Apple. However, the IPhone only scratches the surface in terms of other technological advances that Apple’s made. Apple Pay, the most recent innovation, is an application used to make credit/debit card payments online. Though this may seem convenient, many doubts still remain in regards to whether or not this new payment app can become a success.

Apple hasn’t been the only one trying to make it big in payments through mobile devices. Other companies such as Google and Samsung have done the same, but with very little success. I think it was a great decision on the company to commence with mobile phone transaction, especially since many other big competitors haven’t even developed apps just like it. Apart from all the other failures, I believe Apple has a chance to make mobile payments big now that many big names franchises and companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, etc. are starting to sign deals to accept this form of mobile payment. In addition, payment companies like Paypal all run within the Apple Pay operating system, which is supposed to be of great benefit to the company. This’ll add great stability to Apple’s application and hopefully in the long run, make it successful.



Blackberry’s new Smartphone, the Passport, is supposed to be the company’s rebound and upper hand against competitors from Apple and Google. The main reason why this phone may redeem the company is the fact that this phone will be priced at less than $600 off contract. This price advantage is supposed to appeal to corporate orders, Blackberry’s main consumer targets. This is the first new smartphone to be released by Blackberry since the new CEO, John Chen, started at the company.

Looking at this phone, it seems to me that this is Blackberry’s desperate attempt to redeem their status as a successful phone company. Although the design of the phone is unique, looking at the specs of the phone, it’s still comparable if not inferior to that of other products such as Apple’s IPhone 6 or Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Looking back at Blackberry, I think one of their big mistakes was to release a tablet, an product that didn’t meet the consumer’s standards in comparison to similar products from Apple, Samsung, and Google.




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