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I remember writing a blog post about Apple’s new payment transactions that can be made on the Iphones. I really liked how they integrated this technology into their phones. As I read James Lau’s blog posting, I do agree with everything he said about how technology is always innovative and changing. Companies must keep up if they want to remain distinguished from the rest of their competitors. One thing I’d like to point out however is the fact that there’s been speculation that this new technology may not be as successful as Apple hopes it will be. For one thing, many companies are still hesitating or refusing to accept this form of payment due to legal issues or having to pay some extra fees, etc.


Obviously, this is not the first time we’ve seen companies trying to create an alternative source of payment. Despite the both positive and negative reviews about the new application, I think that Apple will soon be able to overcome their obstacles in the future with all the innovation they’ve put into their technology. I’m really looking forward to Apple’s next steps and I will be supporting them all the way. In regards to James Lau’s post, I really enjoyed reading your opinions and keep up the good work!



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