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After reading the articles and watching videos about these social entrepreneurs, I’ve already gained a huge amount of respect for these people. While others are going out and starting their own businesses for the sake of making lots of money for themselves, these social businessmen see poverty, hunger, and war as an opportunity to aid those who are suffering. Of course, these entrepreneurs go much more in depth and look at other issues such as education, children’s health, housing, clean water, etc.


Now raises the question: Why would we need these social enterprises or arc initiatives (a movement that facilitates a 2-way exchange of business knowledge and skills) if the United Nations were fully loaded? For one, I believe that even with so much power, money, and resources, there must be a way where we can manage all these assets and reach out to those who are suffering the most and become more efficient and effective with what we can provide them. We need Social Entrepreneurs to come up with innovative ideas to aid the people who are suffering in third world countries and others who are also facing a miserable lifestyle. In the case of the arc initiative, it helps to spread and facilitate the creative ideas brought up by the social entrepreneurs by exchanging and sharing one’s motive and goal to one another. By spreading the word to others, it will help to contribute to the workforce in helping the people getting the treatment that they need.

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