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The IPhone 6 has no doubt been a success so far for Apple. However, the IPhone only scratches the surface in terms of other technological advances that Apple’s made. Apple Pay, the most recent innovation, is an application used to make credit/debit card payments online. Though this may seem convenient, many doubts still remain in regards to whether or not this new payment app can become a success.

Apple hasn’t been the only one trying to make it big in payments through mobile devices. Other companies such as Google and Samsung have done the same, but with very little success. I think it was a great decision on the company to commence with mobile phone transaction, especially since many other big competitors haven’t even developed apps just like it. Apart from all the other failures, I believe Apple has a chance to make mobile payments big now that many big names franchises and companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, etc. are starting to sign deals to accept this form of mobile payment. In addition, payment companies like Paypal all run within the Apple Pay operating system, which is supposed to be of great benefit to the company. This’ll add great stability to Apple’s application and hopefully in the long run, make it successful.


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