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Lenovo, a thriving Chinese software company known for their computers has been making preparations to bid on Blackberry’s shares for $15 a piece. Subsequently, it drove up Blackberry’s stock price up nearly 7%. Although Lenovo did have intentions of buying out Blackberry last year (failed due to Canada’s net benefit test), they’ve now come around again for another go.

Like many other’s opinions that were mentioned in the article, I do think that selling the company to a worldwide player like Lenovo would be a smart move on the CEO’s part. By handing over the shares to Lenovo, who has already made many successful sales in mobile and desktop devices such as Motorola and IBM, the company would start to sell more blackberry products than before. I think it would also boost up the Blackberry device’s reputation of being a reliable and innovative technology. I think this greatly ties into what we’ve learned in class about making recommendations for business and deciding what’s in the best interest for the company in the long run. Looking at this decision made here, I think this will have a great affect on the company in the long run.




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