First steps of Finn Model

For our modelling project, my partner and I have chosen a toy that is nearly symmetrical except for its arms. In order to create a precise and realistic 3d model of Finn, we  have used a strategy in which we make horizontal cuts on the left side of the model where the arm is turned down, and vertical cuts on the right side where the arm is turned away. Our vision was to be able to use mirroring to extrapolate the information to form the model as a whole.

After using a scanner to get precise images of the cuts, I used a straight line in Rhino to line up all of the slices based on the position of each cut line. At this point, I ran into some problems. After tracing the edges of each section and positioning them in 3D space, I realized that my dimensions were way off. After consulting Andy, I realized that something had gone wrong with my scaling and the two different sets of cuts were not at the correct scale. I spent an hour or so measuring the real slices and scaling the picture frames accordingly, but so far the results are still slightly off. Still, I have the basic wireframe for the character that I can see taking shape.



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