Magic School Bus

To begin the process, the first thing that we did was to cast the toy so that we can cut it up and understand it better. To do this, we made a box using scrap cardboard, set the bus in the middle and sprayed insulating foam into the spaces and let it set. The foam expanded to fill and seal the gaps, holding the bus firm in place inside the box. Once we were sure that it was strong enough, we took it to the wood shop to cut up into sections.
In determining the sections, we cut longitudinal and cross sections in order to get a fuller understanding of the interior and exterior conditions of the toy. Below are the section cuts we made.






However upon showing our progress to our professor, he gave us case specific advice. He explained to us that given our toy, instead of using the foam to get a best understanding of it, we should simply just dismantle the toy and study the individual parts. Taking his advice into consideration, below are the parts separated.





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