Rendering Dilemma

The biggest question that I’ve had trouble with is, what work flow and programs should I use to create my renderings? I have gone back and forth on this question a lot. On one hand I would like to use Sketch-up because I have a lot of experience with it, and on the other I would like to try Rhino, because after creating the Hulk, I know I could easily model in this program. My second question is, will I photo collage in photoshop or also use keyshot?

In order to help answer my own questions, I have decided to experiment using all of these approaches. I have modelled my building both in Sketch-up and Rhino and I have rendered one using the photo collage technique and the other using Keyshot. After this experimenting, I have decided that I am going to use Sketch-up and then photo collage the image in photoshop. I am much happier with the atmosphere I was able to create in my test images using these techniques, than using rhino and Keyshot. Rhino and Keyshot did a good job, but it was almost too realistic for what I was wanting. By using Sketch-up and photoshop I am confident that I can create the lighting and more fantastical experience that I am going for. I guess we’ll find out!

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