All posts by luispuente

Modelling Olaf 3

This week Darcy and I worked on modelling the face which required a variety of attempts and methods to accomplish. Using a curve network and then editing control points to shape the smile and correct the volume was one method. In order to get both sides of the face to be symmetrical, One half of the face was modified and then mirrored.





The other method was using horizontal slices at different heights  and then lofting them together to produce the face volume. This made the bottom part of the face look good, but distorted the top half. Then we tried using vertical slices cut along diagonals of the face and creating a curve network from those. This produced a good top half of the face but distorted the bottom half. Next we tried putting those two together but couldn’t get them to connect properly.





Once the face was completed, we created the eyes using distorted spheres, and the teeth with a curve network. After that we boolean union all the parts together to get ready for printing. We ran into some difficulties when trying to mesh the object which required repairing some shapes to eliminate naked edges and make it a closed solid and Andy helped us with manifold edges and how to fix them. Now we are ready for printing.


olaf modelling 1

This week my teammate and I sectioned our vinyl toy trying to be selective about where we cut to get the information we needed. We proceeded by documenting the pieces so that they could be placed in rhino for modelling.


To produce part of his body, I traced the outlines from the pictures to get the vertical shape and mirrored them to have four of the sides. I connected the top and bottom using ellipses and ran a curve network command to model the lower torso. I repeated these steps to produce the upper part of the torso and then joined both volumes.
