Category Archives: week 5

progress updates from week 5

olaf modelling 1

This week my teammate and I sectioned our vinyl toy trying to be selective about where we cut to get the information we needed. We proceeded by documenting the pieces so that they could be placed in rhino for modelling.


To produce part of his body, I traced the outlines from the pictures to get the vertical shape and mirrored them to have four of the sides. I connected the top and bottom using ellipses and ran a curve network command to model the lower torso. I repeated these steps to produce the upper part of the torso and then joined both volumes.


Beginning To Model Olaf

This previous week my partner and I went about building a box, spraying the foam and letting it harden, then bringing it to the woodshop to cut. After cutting it, we found that some of our foam had gotten inside the actual toy and thus hadn’t hardened and started oozing out, so that was weird. After talking with Andy, we decided to do less cuts for now to see what we can get from that information, and might do more later if we find we need more information about a piece. I then brought my images into Rhino and scaled them. So far, I have only been able to build the foot. I did this using three images, the two sections plus one of the foot straight on. I then used those as references to create a series of ellipses which I lofted and closed. The hardest part was lining up all of the images correctly when they are all oriented a different way and are all semi-transparent making it hard to see what’s what. olaf1 olaf2 foot