Tag Archives: body


We began by placing Cake in a box ans securing it with spray foam.

When we took Cake in a box into the shop we cut it down the center line, splitting the doll in two halves. From there we took vertical sections from one half and horizontal sections from the other, at 5 cm intervals always cutting to the right to make up for lost in the cut of the blade.

oct 21 - 3


After our sections were cut we lined them up and took photos to gain a detailed understanding of their dimensions.

At this point we began modeling and attempted several approaches to which included using volumes, the sections, and tracing of images.

first attempt at modeling
first attempt at modeling

Oct 21 - 4


Some issues we have run into so far are, the non uniform shape of Cake, and once we achieved a shape we liked we had issues with surface connections or edges and making them look smooth, and continuous.  We attempted to correct this with control points and are now trying new ways of approaching the body as we were not satisfied with the accuracy of the results.

oct 21 - 2

Yay to starting again.

olaf modelling 1

This week my teammate and I sectioned our vinyl toy trying to be selective about where we cut to get the information we needed. We proceeded by documenting the pieces so that they could be placed in rhino for modelling.


To produce part of his body, I traced the outlines from the pictures to get the vertical shape and mirrored them to have four of the sides. I connected the top and bottom using ellipses and ran a curve network command to model the lower torso. I repeated these steps to produce the upper part of the torso and then joined both volumes.
