Tag Archives: keyshot

Studio Rendering Update

I’ve been preparing my rhino files to bring into Keyshot. After a few test runs, I’ve developed some strategies:

-Placing different elements of the structures on different layers as to prepare the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ Keyshot renders,, in order to later insert people into the structures between separate photoshop layers.
-Importing my backgrounds into Rhino via Picture Frame as to play around with the angle I’m planning on rendering; this makes preparatory layer organization of ‘inside’ and ‘exterior’ easier as well.

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Finn the Human: Printing, Documentation, and KeyShot… (FINN)ALLY

(Finn)ally, the time has come! 3D printing, at last!

I printed using the clear filament and let me tell you… It’s good perhaps for test prints but I would never want to use this to hand in any final model! The second print with white filament has much better resolution even though the file was exactly the same.

In order to print my second model quicker than the first I detached the head and changed the body orientation. In the future I wouldn’t rotate the body- having the belly down meant a rougher print. Moving forward I will always try to orientate my model to have the least amount of struture material BUT keeping the bottom at the bottom so that the rough print is not visible.


A really simple rendering tool! I enjoyed the selection of colours and materials available AND the edibility of those (saving them too).


(One tip I’ll leave here about the Tinkerine 3D Printers that we have access to… We should make proper model files BUT when printing with these printers you don’t have to close the surfaces! The pink lines are not the end of you!! The resolution of these machines is not precise enough to require that last step.)

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Zero Vinyl Toy Final Progress


Before continuing to model the body, I had fun trying out Keyshot!

In order to model Zero’s body, I used the photographs and one scan to create reference lines, and tried many different commands such as Loft, Sweep2, Rebuild command, and NetworkSrf to connect the lines into a surface. NetworkSrf produced the best results, but needed more reference lines than I had expected.

29-oct-body-frame zero-guidelineszero-body

Connecting the various parts presented a bit of a challenge: the mouth in particular had too many disconnected edges, and I ended up having to revisit it and come up with other solutions. Once the entire toy was assembled (ears, head, mouth, nose, body), I began creating renderings in Keyshot. After playing around with different materials, I went back to the Rhino model to separate the model into layers according to colours. I then brought it back to Keyshot and used the plastic materials as colouring, as well as adding a backdrop image found at http://f.fwallpapers.com/images/nightmare-christmas.png.






The next part was the actual 3D printing: I quickly discovered there were a few more steps before bringing my Rhino model into Tinkerine, such as getting rid of naked edges, creating meshes, and exporting each piece into an stl file. I decided to print the body, head, and ears separately in an attempt to use less support material to speed up the process, and also to allow the head to be able to turn. A problem that came up while printing was that the PLA material did not stick to the base surface very well, so the bottom surfaces ended up with gaps where the material was pulled away by the printer head. Overall, the 3D print result worked, although with less detailed precision than I had prepared for.

Zero-Slicing-in-Tinkerine3D-printing-part-way print-timeseparate-parts-3dcomparison

To finish up the project, I used the Make2D command in Rhino to generate line drawings of the figure from different views. To improve the drawings, I then added and deleted specific lines.




