Tag Archives: render

Studio Render Update


After preparing renders for the deliverable dimensions for studio, I will now be working on the render edges in order to prepare two 11×17 ” files. I’m hoping to do this by extending various planes (such as the street material) in order to better frame and highlight the intervention. I will also take this opportunity to improve the vegetation rendering in the community garden scene, and the people in the cafe scene.

renderprint2 renderprint

Studio Rendering Update

I’ve been preparing my rhino files to bring into Keyshot. After a few test runs, I’ve developed some strategies:

-Placing different elements of the structures on different layers as to prepare the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ Keyshot renders,, in order to later insert people into the structures between separate photoshop layers.
-Importing my backgrounds into Rhino via Picture Frame as to play around with the angle I’m planning on rendering; this makes preparatory layer organization of ‘inside’ and ‘exterior’ easier as well.

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Rendering for Studio Update

Inspiration image:

I’m planning on producing three renders, each portraying an installation. My design is based on a series of components that can be used anywhere, but these example set ups serve to demonstrate what can be done with the parts.

Mock-up Renders/Progress Renders:

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My primary tool will be photo montaging. I will supplement this with some rhino modeling as well as photos of a my physical model. Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 12.17.40 PM

I’m experimenting with protruding images that emphasize the insertion of the installation as well as key aspects of the environment that interact with it. Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 12.17.47 PM