COMM 296 is over, and my attitudes toward marketing become different from when I first heard about marketing. Before taking COMM296, marketing was just thought as doing advertisement for me. However, marketing, just the same as accounting, finance, logistics, and etc, is a field of study which is critical for the success of any business.
The most interesting things I have learned in marketing class is “Brand sponsorship”. This has answered the biggest question mark in my brain which was formed since I was young. I couldn’t understand why there are lots of company’s dashboard around the field when I was watching the world cup soccer game and other sports games. Also couldn’t understand why there are so many other company names such as “Nokia” “Hyundai” “Volkswagen” “Sony” company names on players’ uniform instead of JUST “Nike” “Adidas” “Reebok” and etc.
However, after reading marketing text books and watching marketing related videos, I have realized that it is called the sign of sponsorship; which indicates that team have companies’ names on the uniform and get sponsored by those companies. Companies get benefits by having their names on famous teams or players which makes the company more and more well known among people world-widely.
Although I couldn’t find that picture but there was a true story from a documentary which tells that just because Hyundai’s board on the soccer field was captured clearly when there was important moment of the game, their annual sales had soared in europe after that. Because after that capture of Hyundai’s board, more and more people had become known about this company, Hyundai; and thus this shows the power of “just a board on the soccer field”which is just a little part of a field of study, MARKETING.