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Entries Tagged as 'Discussion #5: Kwikwetlem Project'

Reflections: Kwikwetlem Project

May 20th, 2010 · No Comments

Module 5: Multimedia / Features and Benefits

RE: Kwikwetlem Project

What might be three (3) important questions Raj could ask himself when deciding which multimedia to include?

1. What about: Students, Accessibility, Ease of use & Speed?

a. How accessible will the multimedia tool be for the grade 5 students?

b. How easy is it to use the media for these elementary students?

c. Will the chosen media be fast enough for students who are used to rapid connections?

2. What about: Costs, Novelty & Interactivity?

a. Would there be costs involved?

b. What about the cost in terms of development time for Raj? He will be spending his weekends on this project. How does he justify this investment?

c. Does the novelty and interactive characteristics of the chosen multimedia tools promote student interest? Does it cause too many frustrations for the designer?

3. What about: Teaching & Learning, Organization?

a. Will the chosen multimedia enhance teacher and learning?

b. Is it more than a “toy” to motivate students to have a superficial look at the content?

c. Will the tools trigger interest in a way that develops critical questioning?

d. How is it possible for Raj to organize or structure the educational experience so as to facilitate knowledge integration?

Do you think Raj can deliver this in a month? Explain your answer and either:

• Yes, I think so. By putting aside 10 hours a week he can:

1. Produce his video

2. Create a wiki

3. Design activities as formative assessments

4. Design a project for his students as a summative assessment

Suggest how Raj approach developing his website?

Compared with the steps advanced by Siemens (2003)

Selecting media type to achieve learning outcomes:

1) As usual, I would suggest that Raj start with the end in mind.

a) Plan the assessment strategies (taking in consideration the ministry’s IRP requirements)

i) Siemens:

(1) Determine the outcome. What will the student be required to do/demonstrate/produce at the conclusion of the lesson/module/unit

b) Develop the activities and project that will best assist students in their learning experimentation

i) Siemens:

(1) Rate the outcome according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (or similar taxonomy detailing levels of understanding)

c) Take in consideration his role and time in the moderation and development process

i) Siemens:

(1) Determine media characteristics

(2) Select media based on availability, expense, time, expertise, and general considerations (bandwidth, technology (i.e. do learners have video/sound cards))

Offer an alternative to the website, one that will use some of Multimedia already collected.

• He could create or a Moodle site and integrate this module as part of his whole course instead of a stand alone experience.


• Boyes, J., Dowie, S. & Rumzan, I. (2005). Using the SECTIONS Framework to Evaluate Flash Media. Innovate Journal of Online Education, 2(1). Accessed online 12 March 2009  http://www.innovateonline.info/pdf/vol2_issue1/Using_the_SECTIONS_Framework_to_Evaluate_Flash_Media.pdf

• Siemens, G. (2003). Evaluating Media Characteristics: Using multimedia to achieve learning outcomes. Elearnspace. http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/mediacharacteristics.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).

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