Is it really more fun in the Philippines?

The “It’s more fun in the Philippines” tourism campaign became popular in 2013, which has experienced praise and ridicule since then. The video succeeded in gaining vacation interest from foreign and local adventure seekers.  The video did great in highlighting and featuring the country’s most prized locations, from pristine beaches to city night life.
Since I have a short attention span, the video did a great job in capturing my attention by including quick, beautiful, vivid images lasting less than a second on screen. The creators of the video included a ton of mesmerizing photos, almost all of which were outside under the sun. The video represented the Philippines as a vacation spot for people who clearly love the tropical outdoors. I found that this video differs from most national tourism advertisements because it incorporated history and culture, with scenic locations. Comparing tourism commercials of other Countries, the  “its more fun in the Philippines” video was a bit quirky, was very original at the time of its release, and less traditional (not a typical advertisement).
Since its release, people around the world have been editing and photo-switching its advertisement posters. All edited posters negatively asses popular societal and sometimes political issues. All edited posters touch upon topics that anger and worry citizens in the country and abroad. As mentioned at the beginning of the post, although the “Its more fun in the Philippines” campaign has received praise, it has also been the platform for national mockery.
Here are some of the original posters for the tourism campaign:philli liPhilli 6
philli philli 1
Here are the public’s revisions of the advertisement posters:
         Philli 7 philli 10
philli 5 philli9
If you are interested in learning more about the Philippines, as a possible holiday destination or regarding the success of this campaign, the National tourism website is provided below.
Thank you for viewing my very last* post. Please feel free to leave a reply about anything!
philli 4 😀

Nido Commercials

NIDO is a product run by the mega company, Nestle. The world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company is known for products such as KitKat chocolate, Häagen-Dazs ice cream, and Purina Pet food. Those are a few products popular here in North America that are run by Nestle. NIDO is a dry powdered milk beverage sold world wide, mainly for child consumption. It is a beverage that is said to contain many vitamins and minerals, essential to help kids in their growth and development. NIDO is a popular product in the homes of Filipino families with young children.

Today, I have a fun little activity for you guys. I have provided three Nestle Philippine NIDO commercials below, all of which are Thirty seconds in length. Nestle, being the mega company they are, produce the most high quality commercials shown on Philippine TV. I want you folks to observe all three videos and find all the similarities you can between them. Watch the videos in any order you desire,and take note of the reoccurring qualities regarding things like the actors, the acting, the videography, setting etc..When you have finished watching all three commercials, you can take a look at my observations I came across when viewing the videos. With my observations, you can check if you’ve found the same reoccurring qualities I did, and comment on the post if you’ve located something I missed. GO!

Similarities I found:

  • light skinned actors
  • mother and child only
  • extremely bright lighting
  • ~90% of dialogue is in English
  • Americanized accents
  • clean public areas
  • seemingly private settings (gated communities)
  • most have foreign-looking faces
  • unnaturally thankful children

What is wrong with Philippine Cinema?

Filipinos are obsessed with their films and  teleserye’s  (which are basically Filipino soap operas or Mexican telenovela’s). All points included in the link below are legitimate, if you ask me… The link below provides part of the reason why my parents and the rest of my family no longer watch Filipino films/shows. Filipino Films are repetitive and bias, but mysteriously, the country’s people still look forward to new productions released by the film industry. I believe the Philippine film industry needs a lot of improvements, and unless they begin making drastic changes, I’m sticking to my Canadian Netflix. Here are the 10 things wrong with Philippine Cinema:

Filipino films truly make me cringe by their quality, but do you feel the same with films from where you are from? Let me know by commenting below!

Thanks for viewing!

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