Mauricio Drelichman: Mon. 21 Jan. 2013

star-small2:00 p.m.
Buchanan Tower 799 (FHIS Lounge)

Mauricio Drelichman (Vancouver School of Economics)

“Rent and Housing in Golden Age Spain: Evidence from the Archive of the Cathedral of Toledo”
(Joint work with David González Agudo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

A treasure trove of archival documents brings to life the fascinating world of sixteenth-century urban Toledo. This paper expores the real estate holdings of the Cathedral; the people who managed them;  and those who rented, worked, and lived in them.

Mauricio Drelichman is an economic historian (in the department of economics) whose work revolves mostly around sixteenth century Spain. His current projects include a recently completed manuscript on sovereign debt in the time of Philip II, and a study of rental markets in early modern Toledo.

Poster (PDF)


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