→ About the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
→ Current courses in the Early Romance area
→ People in the FHIS Department whose interests include Early Romance studies
From our old Department homepage:
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
These words, spoken by Charlemagne, King of the Franks, more than 1200 years ago, could not ring truer in today’s interconnected societies.
In the context of UBC’s commitment towards a global citizenship, the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies plays a pivotal role by adding to the curriculum of more than 4,000 undergraduate students the richness of the languages, literatures, films, cultures and civilizations of Canada, France, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Spain, Italy and Portugal. It is also an important centre for research with its faculty members engaging in ground-breaking work and publishing in international venues, and with its 50 graduate students pursuing M.A. and PhD programs in French and in Spanish with a specialization in Literature or Linguistics.
Our research and teaching strengths lie in an in-depth coverage of various fields as well as in an interdisciplinary approach, both within the department (Romance Studies) and with other units and programs: Arts One, Canadian Studies, Comparative Literature, Education, European Studies, Foundations, History, Medieval Studies, Latin American Studies, 19th Century Studies, and Women’s Studies.
Not all courses are offered every year, but are here for archiving purposes and to showcase departmental strengths.
FREN 220 Introduction to Early French Literature and to Textual Analysis
FREN 320 Advanced Studies in French Literature from 1000 to 1700
FREN 321 Advanced Studies in French Literature from 1700 to the Present
FREN 330 Quebecois Literature: Introduction à la littérature québécoise
FREN 333 French Civilization I
FREN 348 French Literature in Translation I
FREN 360B (2nd term) Introduction to Old French
FREN 407 Studies in Medieval French Literature
FREN 408A Studies in French Literature of the Sixteenth Century
FREN 409C Studies in French Literature of the Seventeenth Century
FREN 419A Studies in Women
FREN 420D Selected Topics in French Literature and Culture: L’individu et la société dans la littérature française de Corneille à Gide
FREN 420F Selected Topics in French Literature and Culture: Littérature jeunesse de la francophonie
FREN 468 Romance Linguistics
FREN 481 Studies in Literature and the Arts
FREN 482 Studies in Literature and Philosophy
FREN 483 Studies in Literature and History
FREN 484 Studies in Book Culture
FREN 495R Research Seminar in French
FREN 498 Directed Reading
FREN 499 Honours Essay
FREN 501 Studies in the Literature of Medieval France
FREN 502B Studies in Sixteenth-Century Literature
FREN 503 Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Literature
FREN 504 Studies in the Seventeenth-Century Novel
FREN 505 Studies in Seventeenth-Century Drama
FREN 512B Studies in Literary Criticism (cross-listed with SPAN 501)
FREN 513 Studies in French-Canadian Literature (this year’s iteration is on contemporary literature)
FREN 519 The Language and Literature of Old Provençal
FREN 520C Studies in French Literature Seminar: Littérature et histoire: enjeux, conflits, rencontres
FREN 520D Studies in French Literature Seminar: La littérature et le mal
FREN 564B (1st term) Les français régionaux d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord
FREN 576A Studies in Gallo-Romance Dialectology
FREN 578B Studies in Romance Philology
FREN 599A Master’s Thesis
FREN 599B Master’s Thesis
FREN 699 Doctoral Dissertation
ITALIAN & ITALIAN STUDIES (=taught in English, and reading texts in English translation)
ITST 231 Introduction to Italian Culture I: From the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period: Shifting Identities in Medieval and Early Modern Italy
ITAL 303 Italian Literature and Culture of the Medieval and Early Modern Period
ITST 333 Masterpieces of the Novella in Italian Literature
ITAL 403 Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy (cross-listed with ITST 413)
ITAL 404 Italian Literature of the Middle Ages (cross-listed with ITST 414)
ITAL 405 Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Renaissance (cross-listed with ITST 415)
ITST 413 Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy in Translation (cross-listed with ITAL 403)
ITST 414 Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Middle Ages in Translation (cross-listed with ITAL 404)
ITST 415 Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Renaissance (cross-listed with ITAL 405)
ITAL 420 Special Topics in Italian Language, Literature and Culture (content varies)
ITAL 495 Research Intensive Seminar in Italian Literature and Culture (cross-listed with ITST 495; this year’s iteration is on contemporary poetry)
ITST 495 Research Intensive Seminar in Italian Literature and Culture (cross-listed with ITAL 495; this year’s iteration is on contemporary poetry)
ITAL 499 Honours Essay
PORT 392 Studies in Brazilian and Portuguese Literature
ROMANCE STUDIES (=taught in English, and reading texts in English translation)
RMST 221 Literatures and Cultures of the Romance World I: Medieval to Early Modern
RMST 420 Studies in Romances Languages and Literature (content varies)
RMST 468 Romance Linguistics (cross-listed with FREN 468, SPAN 468)
RMST 495 Research Intensive Seminar in Romance Studies
RMST 520 Studies in Romance Languages and Cultures
SPAN 321 Introduction to Spanish Civilization and Culture
SPAN 357 Survey of Peninsular Literature and Culture from the Origins to 1700
SPAN 358 Survey of Peninsular Literature and Culture from 1700 to the Present
SPAN 364 Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Culture to the 1820s
SPAN 403 History of the Spanish Language
SPAN 405C Topics in Peninsular and Latin-American Culture: El mundo árabe en España según Juan Goytisolo
SPAN 406 Gender Representation(s) in Hispanic Literature and Culture
SPAN 410 Medieval Literature
SPAN 420 Golden-Age Literature
SPAN 468 Romance Linguistics (cross-listed with FREN 468, RMST 468)
SPAN 470 Selected Topics in Spanish-American Colonial and Nineteenth-Century Literature
SPAN 499 Honours Essay
SPAN 500 Seminar in Hispanic Studies
SPAN 501 Theoretical Approaches to Literature (cross-listed with FREN512B)
SPAN 505 Studies in Peninsular and Latin American Culture: Grandes Figuras del Hispanismo en España y Latinoamérinca (1): Ka Alcahueta y e Pícaro
SPAN 520 Golden-Age Literature
SPAN 527 Selected Topics in Medieval Spanish Literature: Poder, erotismo y mujer en la España medieval
SPAN 548 Graduating Essay
SPAN 549 Master’s Thesis
SPAN 570 Spanish-American Colonial Literature: El impulso utópico en América Latina
SPAN 649 Doctoral Dissertation
UBC Vancouver Academic Calendar > courses >
FREN: French
ITAL: Italian
ITST: Italian Studies (in translation)
RMST: Romance Studies (in translation)
SPAN: Spanish
COURSES IN MEDIEVAL STUDIES (c/o UBC Programme in Medieval Studies)
MDVL 200 Introduction to Medieval Studies
MDVL 301 European Literature of the 5th to the 14th Centuries
MDVL 302 European Literature of the 14th to the 16th Centuries (this year’s version taught by C.Phan)
MDVL 440Medieval Seminar: Heaven and Hell in the Western Imagination, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
See also: Medieval Studies Programme > Programme Brochure + Current Course List
A number of faculty members and graduate students in the Department have research interests that include or involve pre-1800 language, literature, and culture in the Romance-group languages; but whose work is not necessarily exclusively or primarily in the area. The Early Romance is, indeed, one of the Department’s major areas of activity.
O’BRIEN Juliet
PHAN Chantal
SANTOS Alessandra
GRADUATE STUDENTS past and present
ÁLVAREZ Alejandro
GRILLO Maria Teresa
MARPEAU Anne-Claire
MONIUK Deborah
ROMENGO Margherita
GRILLO María Teresa (PhD, 2013):
Ruta textuales de la exclusión: Raza y etnicidad en textos de enunciación andina del Perú colonial y republicano
LUSHCHENKO Marina (PhD, 2011):
L’image de l’Asie Mineure et des Turcs dans les textes narratifs du Moyen Âge français (XIIe-milieu du XVe siècle)
—Marina was also one of the founding members of the ERS Research Cluster, and one of its greatest stalwarts throughout 2009-11.
EDINGER Monika (MA, 2010):
La Polysémie de la parole: Décodage de la lyrique multilingue en langues romanes chez Raimbaut de Vaqueiras et Dante Alighieri.
—Another “founding sister,” and now completing her PhD (still in FHIS at UBC).
LINAN Kathryn (MA, 2010):
Molière’s heavy fathers : an analysis of the behaviour and representation of three tyrannical patriarchs
Image: Raphael, The School of Athens (1509-11).
The Vatican.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons