Next meeting: Friday 9 September 2011, 3:00 p.m.

Buchanan Tower 799: FHIS lounge.

Directions: Buchanan Tower is at 1873 East Mall: UBC Wayfinding map.
The lounge is on the 7th floor; once arrived, turn left out of the elevators, right out of the main staircase. Walk straight ahead. 799 is the glass-fronted large room that impedes all further progress. At the opposite end of that short hallway are the department offices.

This will be a short meeting—around an hour long—in which we’ll discuss plans and projects for the year, schedule talks, arrange future meeting times, and generally meet and greet all interested parties.

All are welcome—from the FHIS department, other UBC departments and programmes, and all colleagues from neighbouring institutions. It would be wonderful to hear from any scholars whose work touches on the post-Classical pre-Modern period, the geographical areas concerned (including Québec, Acadie, and all of Latin America), and/or the Romance vernaculars (including, for example, French in medieval England). As the ERS cluster is also actively interested in its own name—perhaps unsurprising: outsiders (and even insiders) may draw their own conclusions/make jokes as appropriate, about French and philology—we also consider the matter of periodization; and its limits, limitations, and questioning. We would be particularly keen to encourage graduate student participation, and to foster dialogue between and amongst academic fields; be that cross- , multi- , or inter-disciplinary.

If you are interested in participating in the ERS cluster in any way, but are unable to attend the meeting due to timetabling conflicts (which are understandable and understood, at this time of year): we would of course still be keen to hear from you; please do contact the cluster convenor (Juliet O’Brien) or any of the other cluster members by email.

Le jardin de déduit; Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Le Roman de la Rose. Made for Engelbert II of Nassau. Bruges, c. 1490-1500. BL Harley MS 4425, f. 12v

New graduate student micro-journal

Passing along some news: there is an interesting new project to create an online graduate student community and micro-journal for medievalists, especially to encourage communication and collaboration in between conferences. You may be interested to visit the site and sign up to be notified once the system is up and running:

The Venerable Read (

Some Calls for Papers

heralds on horseback flanked by their trumpeters (probably English, early 16th c.)Information and links as provided.

Quick version:

Deadline: 30 June 2011
Perspectives on Power (University of Queensland)
23-25 November 2011

IMC (International Medieval Congress) Leeds
: last-minute call for papers, for  two-paper sessions which still require a third paper.
11 – 14 July 2011

Deadline: 15 July 2011
UPDATE: Deadline has been extended: accepting abstracts on any monastic topic.
Anchoritic Society Conference (University of North Dakota)
16 – 18 September 2011

Deadline: 1 August 2011
MAA (Medieval Academy of America) Annual Meeting 2012 (Saint Louis University)
22–24 March 2012

Deadline: 31 August 2011
IMC 2012
9 – 12 July 2012

Deadline: 31 August 2011
Colloque Amitié 2012: University of Victoria
20 – 23 June 2012

Deadline: 1 September (papers accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis through the summer)
Bryn Mawr Graduate Student Symposium: Feed Your Head: Food as Material and Metaphor
11 – 12 November 2011

Deadline: 9 September 2011
Think Romance! Re-conceptualizing a Medieval Genre: 32nd Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University
31 March – 1 April 2012

Deadline: September 2011 (usually the 15th)
International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS) Kalamazoo 2012 (full CFP will be published in July)
10 – 13 May 2012

ICMS: The Hagiography Society has received approval for five sessions for the Congress; of which three to honor Sherry Reames, founder of the Hagiography Society, professor emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a well-known scholar for her studies of the Legenda aurea, liturgical calendars, and other hagiographic texts.

Deadline: 15 September 2011
23 – 26 August 2012

Deadline: 15 September 2011 (papers in French and in English)
Colloque international: Révoltes à l’écran: Révoltes et révolutions dans l’Europe moderne (XVe siècle-1788) au cinéma et à la télévision (Université de Caen, France)
5 – 7 September 2012

Deadline: 30 September 2011
Religious Men in the Middle Ages (University of Huddersfield)
6 – 8 July 2012

Deadline: 1 October 2011
“After Constantine: Religion and Secular Power in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages”: The Thirty-Ninth Annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium
30-31 March 2012


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