
early romance in action: Jaufré Rudel dies in the arms of the Countess of Tripoli; 12th c. Occitan material, 13th c. Italian ms, in a French libraryBased at the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies of UBC, we are a research cluster in pre-1800—Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern—Romance languages and literatures; now in our seventh year.

A PRACTICAL UPDATE: This site is moving from wordpress.com (earlyromance.com) to UBC Blogs (blogs.ubc.ca/earlyromance). Rest assured: the entire old site has been duplicated here. Posts from November 2009 through August 2015 may include links that refer back to the old site.

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Further details on the Cluster and its activities, how to stay up-to-date with its goings-on, and how contact us
More on the Early Romance area within the Department

NEXT ERS MEETINGS and related events:

  • 9-10 October 2015
    43rd UBC Medieval Workshop / 10th Gregorian Institute of Canada Colloquium
    Green College, UBC
    UBC Medieval Studies Committee & the Gregorian Institute of Canada


ALL EVENTS & NEWS: Early Romance (and related) culure in Vancouver: ERS events as well as associated and allied events further afield: FHIS, UBC, and elsewhere in Vancouver

ms. BNF fr. 854 f. 121 (13th c., Italian): Jaufré Rudel dies in the arms of the Countess of Tripoli.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
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