June 15, 2017

Ecopoetics in the Garden was an event that brought together people from all different disciplines and backgrounds to begin a networking circle of people to (re)consider our commitment to land-based ecology and to environmental education. This event and future happenings have been supported by the Ritsumeikan Seed Fund of UBC’s Department of Language and Literacy Education and the space for this event has been generously donated by the UBC Botanical Garden.

The day started with a beautiful introduction by Vicki Kelly and Margaret McKeon (and other impromptu musicians and readers) who through spoken word and music acknowledged the place and land we were hosting our event.

Photo by: Yuya Peco Takeda

After a quick run of introductions, Celeste Snowber took us on an enchanting, stunning guided tour of the Botanical Garden. While it was pouring rain, the experience was beyond what words could describe, but to simply state it was magical.

Photo by: Yuya Peco Takeda

After, as a cumulative activity, participants contributed to a large, multimodal artistic representation of their experiences through the garden. Truly, this day was inspiring, and we hope people will continue to connect, to network, to share, to play.

Photo by: Yuya Peco Takeda

Here is a link to all the photographs taken by Yuya Takeda. You are free to use the photos, but we ask that you credit the photographer in the following way:
Yuya Peco Tekada.

Much  thanks and appreciation! 🙂

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